Favorite road trip play lists shared

“And the hits just keep on coming”… Global Connections, Inc. (GCI) has shared Global Discovery Vacations members favorite road trip play lists that range from classics to indie rock.

According to Corey Thibodeaux, online content manager for GCI, “Music is one of those art forms that permeates every aspect of our lives from entertainment to exercise to ambiance. And travel is no stranger to music, with many artists drawing inspirations from their time on the road or in memories of home. We started sharing some of our staff favorites and members were inspired to send in their own favorites. We rewarded some of our member contributions with a set of Global head phones.”

Globální hudební výběry zahrnovaly Willieho Nelsona „On the Road Again“, „Ramblin' Man“ od Allman Brothers, „I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) od The Proclaimers, „Holiday Road“ Lyndsay Buckingham a Johnnyho Cashe ve skladbě „I“ jsem byl všude“, abychom jmenovali alespoň některé.

Other suggestions from the Global staff for great tunes to hit the road were: Red Hot Chile Peppers – “Around the World,” OneRepublic’s “Good Life,” Lissie’s “Wild West” and Mumford and Sons’ “Hopeless Wanderer.”

“Our entries were all over the map, figuratively and literally,” said Corey. “Global member’s play lists included artists such as Lenny Kravitz, Jimmy Buffet, Don Williams, The Beach Boys and Alice Cooper. Quite eclectic!”

Member engagement contests and social media participation are sources of pride for GCI. The musical suggestions sent by members were filled with their enthusiasm for vacationing and traveling with Global. The social media team was flooded with messages such as these throughout the Road Trip Play List promotion:

"Na nedávném třídenním výletu jsem měl Alice Coopera, Kiss, Roba Zombieho a The Doors, kteří hráli, aby projížděli dvěma pruhy kamionů, dalších aut a krásné scenérie od Michiganu po Texas."

– Larry C

Díky písním Zac Brown Band se chci vydat na pláž s Global Discovery Vacations:

‚Kéž bych‘ byl někde po kolena ve vodě!
Mám modrou oblohu, vánek mi profukuje vlasy, jedinou starostí na světě je, že příliv dosáhne mé židle.
Mysli na trvalou dovolenou,
Oceán je můj jediný lék
Přeji si, aby můj stav nikdy nezmizel.“
Jezdím jen do míst s vodou. V říjnu s GDV míří na Cape Cod.

– Laura K.

„S naší velkou rodinou jezdíme do většiny destinací Global Discovery Vacations. Některé z našich oblíbených jsou ‚Can’t Stop the Feeling‘, ‚Shake It Off‘, ‚Lost Boy‘, ‚Girls Just Want to Have Fun.‘ Připravují nás na veškerou zábavu!“

– děkan R.

“Our members are a great bunch of people and we love finding out more about who they are, what they like doing on vacation and what they listen to,” says Corey. The Play List promotion was one of our more popular events and we’ll add this to our list of ongoing programs.”

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